1 Year Old

1 Year Old

The Infamous Santa and Kids Picture

11 Months Old

11 Months Old
Our little Man

Oh Max...

10 Months

10 Months


Our Little Pumpkins

9 Months Old

9 Months Old
Come on Mom do I have to sit here?

8 Months Old

8 Months Old
and wild as ever...hair that is!

Our little fish

6 Months Old

6 Months Old

5 Months Old

5 Months Old

Let's Ride!

My new favorite thing to do

4 months old

4 months old
No way jose...forget it!

11 weeks old

Just chill'n

Just chill'n

Hey Guys enough with the Camera!

Hey Guys enough with the Camera!


"I feel sooo much better Mom & Dad"

My First Valentines Day

My First Valentines Day
"Heartbreaker in Training"

My First Toy!

My First Toy!

My first Superbowl

My first Superbowl

Thursday, December 27, 2007

No Room at the Inn

Round 2 for Inducement and this one is happening for sure...no ifs ands, or buts. The hardest part today was scheduling it and finding an open room at the busy busy hospital, but it is set in stone. We go in at 10am on the 3rd to have and meet our little boy, finally...unless he decides to naturally come into the world on his own. But since so far his track record is pure stubbornness, in which case we highly doubt it. We have 6 days to get the house in order, relax and enjoy the girls til our little Max comes!!! It has been a long, trying and emotional roller coaster but we have finally made it and soooo incredibly grateful for all of your love, thoughts and prayers. We wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

No Christmas Baby

With 45 minutes left of Christmas, I can confidently say Max didn't want his birthday on this day. With complete expectations that he would have been here earlier in the month, we felt kind of "empty" over the last few days. I know its weird because he is here with us in Heather's belly and doing awesome, and we can't explain our feelings which were clearly built on expectations that we thought we were going to snuggle him on Christmas.
Contractions have been nuts over the last 4-5 days as close as to a minute and a half apart. We spent Friday evening at St. Ann's and was sent home due to no cervical change and to walk, walk, and walk. The contractions are more sporadic but defiantly getting stronger and more intense as they told us is expected in the early stage of labor that we are in. We have a doctor's appointment on Thursday for a check up and to discuss inducing. Can we say tax deduction??? hahahaha :)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Stubborn Little Max....

Max is defiantly our son, being he is sooo stubborn on not coming out. Heather had contractions all weekend up to 5 minutes apart and no labor yet. Today we had a check up and Heather is 1 cm dilated and completely effaced....the doctor felt his head (as weird as that sounds). So with our luck we will be spending Christmas in the hospital. Which is a funny family story because last year Kylie sat on Santa's lap and asked for a baby brother for Christmas. So she thinks Santa is playing a trick on her and delivering her brother this Christmas just for her!!! Its funny how we worked so hard on getting pregnant, staying pregnant, growing a healthy boy and now we are working so hard on seeing him! So off to walk, walk, and walk to get labor started!!! Love you all~

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"The Scoop"

First piece of advice we have learned...do not listen to doctors!! Sorry- you can sense our frustration at this point during this very emotional roller coaster. We have waited so very long to meet and hold Max and that is what we will continue to do until God decides when he shall arrive, not the doctors. Basically to sum it up in a nutshell, since Heather's internal organs are not shutting down (which is awesome!) and she is only is pain due to inflamation they do not see a life threatening reason now to induce Max. Which is the complete opposite that we were told since about month 5 of her pregnancy. All of our doctors are passing the buck and do not want to be the one to say "okay lets induce". His lungs are measuring at 36 weeks and he is growing everyday. Heather's body has naturally fallen into a few labor symptoms this past week and Kylie was born at 36 weeks, so we have let nature takes its course and shall hopefully get to introduce all of you to Max very very soon!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Grow Max Grow

What a couple of very emotional days we have endured. After a great conversation with our hi risk OB he felt that yes Max could of came out yesterday to meet everyone, however, his lungs would not of supported himself breathing and could possibly be in the NICU for a few weeks. The steroids that Heather has been taking, Max is not receiving the benefit of them, due to Heather's body needing them for her Lupus inflamation(s) and has been obsorbing them instead of going to Max. Although he is a big boy over 6 pounds, his little lungs are not develped where we all had hoped and wished for. I have to say we did not expect this at all and were really set to meet our little boy of our dreams this week. As parents and although Heather is flaring up right now and in pain we have decided to give his little lungs another week (hopefully) to grow. We are meeting with our hi risk OB on Tuesday to do another growth evaulation on Max and to discuss which day to induce soon after. His lungs should by then be along the lines of a 36 weeker and they feel strong enough to come out. Thank you all for your prayers, thoughts and well wishes, we feel them and are sending them little Max's way!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Long 2 days!!!

I wanted to take a moment and give you a quick update. Long and frustrating 2 days…. My hi risk OB is out sick and is really screwing things up. We had our amnio yesterday and learned his lungs are not developing like the rest of him. His lungs for some reason are only at the level of a 34-35 weeker but everything else is measuring hi 36 low 37 weeks. Which if that was the case they would have taken him on Monday. So they gave me a steroid shot yesterday and we were at the hospital most of today getting monitored since he was not moving very much and received another steroid shot. The initial plan with my hi risk OB (before he went MIA) was to induce at 12 noon tomorrow (Wednesday). He is hopefully returning tomorrow….however, in the meantime this morning I developed a Lupus flare. We are all having a meeting tomorrow with my delivering OB, hi risk OB, Neurologist and Rheumatologist to either admit me for my Lupus flare and/or induction. So again we shall wait, rest, take medication, go and back and forth to the hospital and pray that the steroids plump up his little lungs.

With that said….we would gladly take any thoughts and prayers 

Monday, December 3, 2007

Still Waiting....

Not the greatest news this morning, Max's lungs are not developed enough to come out safely today. Heather was givin another steriod shot and will go back to the hospital tomorrow for another one. We shall wait and see what the next couple of days brings. In the meantime Heather is resting. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, we feel them!