1 Year Old

1 Year Old

The Infamous Santa and Kids Picture

11 Months Old

11 Months Old
Our little Man

Oh Max...

10 Months

10 Months


Our Little Pumpkins

9 Months Old

9 Months Old
Come on Mom do I have to sit here?

8 Months Old

8 Months Old
and wild as ever...hair that is!

Our little fish

6 Months Old

6 Months Old

5 Months Old

5 Months Old

Let's Ride!

My new favorite thing to do

4 months old

4 months old
No way jose...forget it!

11 weeks old

Just chill'n

Just chill'n

Hey Guys enough with the Camera!

Hey Guys enough with the Camera!


"I feel sooo much better Mom & Dad"

My First Valentines Day

My First Valentines Day
"Heartbreaker in Training"

My First Toy!

My First Toy!

My first Superbowl

My first Superbowl

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

What a joy having a 3 month old brings to the holidays and family. He went to visit the Easter Bunny and sat on his lap, he was so small in the bunny's arms, the hand pretty much covered up Max's face! Too cute! The girls loved dressing him and making sure the Easter Bunny included him Easter morning. So hard to believe how fast time is going. He is developing everyday, smiling like crazy, copying our faces, strengthening his neck and legs. He loves listening to singing (well except for when Mom does it, Kylie says :) and watching baby Einstein. His eyes glaze over and he stares...but nothing tops staring at his ceiling fan and light! He is so content and such a happy boy, unless he is hungry or tired, then watch out. His sleeping is still going awesome, most nights getting up once, maybe twice every once in a while. Looking forward to the weather warming up so he can experience the fun of being outside.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

How cool to have a holiday named after my dad! And I got to go to a Delaware Police award ceremony for my dad too on his day:) I have been giving my mom and a dad a break the last few nights and going to bed between 9-10p and waking up around 4-5am then up at 8a to watch their ceiling fan go round and round. They put me in a Johnny Jump up the other day and i love it! Its kind of like my own lazy boy that turns and I can bounce in....well after about 10 minutes though come on, thats enough of that. Everyone tells me I am growing like a weed, just over 10 weeks and my 3 month clothes are getting a little snug. Guess we will have to go shopping! My sisters are constantly making me smile....they make very goofy faces. Life is good here!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

2 Months Old!

Max had his 2 month check up today and his little legs are growing!!! He is 22 1/2 inches tall and weighed in just under 12 pounds! He is doing awesome and passed all of his tests. The sad part is his pathetic scream when he endured 4 shots today. The good part of the deal is he got his dad and mom to hold him all night LONG. He is so much fun to watch him see things for the first time and get so excited about the simplest things; like pretending to walk and then run with his daddy. Yesterday was almost 70 degrees and we took him on his first walk, which he loved and of course slept through. He is a talker...(gee wonder where he got that from)...he babbles all day long. He is still center of attention no matter where he goes and we are so proud of him and how incredibly perfect he fits into our crazy house and family!