1 Year Old

1 Year Old

The Infamous Santa and Kids Picture

11 Months Old

11 Months Old
Our little Man

Oh Max...

10 Months

10 Months


Our Little Pumpkins

9 Months Old

9 Months Old
Come on Mom do I have to sit here?

8 Months Old

8 Months Old
and wild as ever...hair that is!

Our little fish

6 Months Old

6 Months Old

5 Months Old

5 Months Old

Let's Ride!

My new favorite thing to do

4 months old

4 months old
No way jose...forget it!

11 weeks old

Just chill'n

Just chill'n

Hey Guys enough with the Camera!

Hey Guys enough with the Camera!


"I feel sooo much better Mom & Dad"

My First Valentines Day

My First Valentines Day
"Heartbreaker in Training"

My First Toy!

My First Toy!

My first Superbowl

My first Superbowl

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

10 Months Old

and crazy as ever! In the past month Max has taken off (literally) and developing so fast. Not only is he crawling, he is fast and so cute on the hard wood floor with one foot planted on the floor. He pulls up on anything and cruises around it to get any type of electronic. He LOVES remotes and phones, and will scream his head off if you take them away. He walks while holding your fingers or behind his push toy. He is a talker, boy can he babble with the best of them, gee wonder who he takes after? He is so lovable, giving the best hugs and squeezes you could ask for. Still loves to pull hair and bite ya when he gives kisses. Had a successful and fun Halloween as you can see as Elmo and with his first taste of chocolate by devouring a Twix bar! His days are spent driving his car to the park, swinging, watching Baby Songs, Elmo or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, eating books..yep not reading but eating them, banging his toys on the hard wood floors, and wrestling with daddy. Since being treated for his GERD eating is a bit easier, still challenging a little less messy. And yes last but not least still getting up every few hours at night...sigh....he picked out a shirt that says "All mommy wants for Christmas is a Silent Night!"...how appropriate Max!


lissa said...

Oh, my he's a doll! Love the 3 at the pumpkin patch.



Anonymous said...

If he was any cuter, I would absolutely just steal him!!! Sorry I missed Elmo at Trick or Treat...I know it's tiring being so cute and he must get his rest!

love you all!